
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Upcycled Denim Wallets

This is the first time i ever made wallets, i am using unwanted jeans for these

I lined mine with hello kitty fabric! 

I used the zipper off the jeans and made a coin section

this is for hubby


  1. I wish you had a pattern on here showing how to make this! I need a new wallet!

    1. awww I am sorry robert! i wish i did too, but these were one of the very first things i made after i learned how to sew.

      But do check back soon because i am going to make a wallet for a friend, and this time i will make sure i include a pattern and instruction.

      plus, trust me Robert, u dont wanna make this one anyways, it's poorly made and way too big for hubby's back pocket lol

  2. ohhh wow I like this a lot. I am very inspired by your post. I might have to make this ahead of the other millions of ideas flowing through my head.... LOL thanks...
    From Karin @


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