I have been blogging about humble sewing experience for about 2 and a half years and never really thought about receiving any rewards or awards simply because my reward is when others enjoy my work.
Ever since I started linking up with other talented (much more talented than I am) bloggers, I have made many new friends. Today on my Facebook page, I was notified that I have been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award by
Natasha Peter over @
I was touched!
Thank you Natasha!
Now onto this award. Here are a few quick and easy rules:
11 Facts about myself:
- I was born and raised in Hong Kong, China
- I speak three languages fluently
- I am a 70's baby, yup, last generation to not have grown up with laptops, Ipads, smart phones...
- I am married, no kids, one cutest dog
- I am
(kinda)OCD - I am a human trash can, I eat just about anything
- To add to the previous fact: I do NOT eat bugs (willingly)
- I am actually a boring person (I don't party, I don't drink)
- I really am not that good of a blogger (and terrible at taking good pictures...)
- I fear failure
- I love my family (that includes parents and grandparents) more than anything in the world, I seriously get very emotional just thinking about them especially when I am more than 8000 miles away from them.
Questions From My Nominator
1. What is your favorite color? Why?
~~Red because it looks good on my skin tone
2. What blogs do you read most often? Why?
~~Sewing blogs because sewing is my passion
3. Who is your all-time favorite celebrity?
3. Who is your all-time favorite celebrity?
~~If it means anyone who is famous/well known, I'd have to say Micky Ward the boxer whose life has been made into the movie The Fighter He is such a humble guy who has had lots of bad luck but never gave up.
4. What is one thing you cannot go without?
4. What is one thing you cannot go without?
~~My family, i love them more than anything.
5 What was the make and model of your first car?
5 What was the make and model of your first car?
~~Nissan 240sx (my hubby and I are into drifting)
6 How many cars have you purchased in your lifetime?
6 How many cars have you purchased in your lifetime?
~~Just one, my little 20 year old Nissan
7. Describe a silly or clumsy moment that happened to you (or someone close to you) recently.
7. Describe a silly or clumsy moment that happened to you (or someone close to you) recently.
~~HAHA I tripped on my own feet while mowing, does that count?
8. What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
8. What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
~~It's hard to pick just one, but I will have to say any authentic Chinese restaurant because that would be the closest thing to home i have here.
9. Where is your ideal vacation spot?
9. Where is your ideal vacation spot?
~~It has got to be my home (Hong Kong) but Vegas is a close second!
10. What would be your advice to a newbie blogger?
10. What would be your advice to a newbie blogger?
~~I am a newbie blogger myself, but I would say learn to take good pictures for your blog because a picture is worth a thousand words!
11. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
11. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
~~The part where others comment on your work, whether good or bad, because when someone takes the time to write something, you have already made an impact with your blog post.
I will have a separate post about the 11 nominees and their questions.
Stay tuned!
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