
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tornado break

Dear lovely readers:

Due to massive tornado/storm we had last night, we have lost power along with 60,000 other homes, so I regret to tell you all that I will be delaying my posting until further notice. I doubt ihop appreciates all of our town going there and using their wifi lol. Please do know that I have all of you in my heart and will post as soon as I can. In the mean time, do enjoy my other projects to ease the longing hehehehehe:

Updates:  As of June 2, 2013

We got our power back this afternoon! yay!!!

No damage to the house, just a bunch of trash and tree branches!

The food in the freezer did not even thaw (i was smart enough not to even open the freezer door)

My baby veggies (still at the seeding stage) survived!!! I left them outside and with all the craziness going on, I forgot to move them in the garage, but they are still intact and growing fast!!!

My parents's tree (the dead one) is still standing (thank God), only a few branches fell, onto the yard, not the house (thank God again)

We are thankful!!!!

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