I just want to take a moment to thank my DAD for raising me with so much love and patience. He is my hero. (sorry hubby, my dad is my number one man, always has been, always will be) Since I have moved to the USA and my parents are in Hong Kong, I miss them soooooooo much that it hurts.
I hope you all have a wonderful Father's Day. Treasure your time with your dad no matter good or bad, don't wait till it's too late.
Today's Theme: Denim {part 2}
I have posted some Denim Upcycling Ideas in PA meeting #8. Let's recap a little bit.

Want to check them out again? Click here for Pinaholics Anonymous Meeting #8
Today's post will be all about making old jeans into something wearable again!
Hello my name is Mandy, and I am a Pinaholic! ^__^
If this is your first time here, let me briefly explain to you what this is all about. This is a series I started to share what I have pinned to my boards on Pinterest that I find interesting and inspiring. I will feature pins that may be tutorials, tips, tricks, or ideas (but I am partial to sewing tutorials!)
So without further ado, let's begin our Tenth PA Meeting!
*Click on the picture to go to the article*
1st item on our meeting agenda: My Pinterest Profile
I have all the features Pinned to my boards. Feel Free to follow me there!
3rd item on our meeting agenda: DIY Denim Short-Shorts
How about making some short shorts to wear to the lake or beach from a pair of old jeans? Nancy over at 21 Century Dress Maker has instructions on how to do it!
4th item on our meeting agenda: Denim Toilet Seat and Tank Cover
Here is a very unusual way to re-use denim. Head over to Thrifty Fun, Monica has instruction on how to make a cover for your toilet seat and tank!
5th item on our meeting agenda: Zippered Jeans
Are you tired of your skinny jeans? Well how about adding a zipper to the jeans legs? Without having to SEW! Head over to Henry Happened to see how to add zippers to your jeans without sewing!
6th item on our meeting agenda: Tuxedo Stripe Jeans DIY
What do you think of just adding tuxedo strips to your jeans to change its boring look? It is as easy as pie! Head over to Trinkets in Bloom to see how Cathy made her jeans look cool again!
7th item on our meeting agenda: Dress up your jeans
I have found these pictures on Pinterest but without tutorials. I think they are super cute and they are self-explanatory enough that we can figure out how to do them, but I just have to share these ideas.
8th item on our meeting agenda: Tie Dye your jeans
I have found a few DIY tie dye ideas and tutorials for your boring jeans!
1. Natalie over at My Little Secret shows you how to heart tie dye your jeans
2. Sara over at Short of Something teaches your how to DIY Polka Dot Jeans!
3. Head over to Rock Mosaic for the tutorial for sunburst jeans!
4. Check out The Peppermint Store for a great tutorial on how to die dye your jeans like this!
5. Make your own kiss stamped jeans by going to Petite Elephant for the tutorial!
9th item on our meeting agenda: Denim Jackets
3. A diy jacket (can't find the original source)
10th item on our meeting agenda: Follow me for so you don't miss one PA meeting! ^__^
*Do pin these amazing tutorials from their original sites*

Found you on the blog hop. Following via bloglovin'. Would love for you to stop by and say hi!
Recycling jeans is such a good idea and there are some really cute ideas here.
ReplyDeleteHi Mandy, popping by to say hi! Love all the ideas from the post. I have some of the Mr.'s jeans in a pile ready to re-purpose, but haven't started yet. Visiting from DearCreatives.com Theresa
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon, I am a new follower via BlogLovin & GFC from the Blog Hop. I am also following you on Twitter, FB, G+ and Pinterest.
If you could follow back at http://butterflyintheattic.blogspot.com/2013/07/cherish-your-path.html I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, I am struggling to get my stand-alone web store attention. Could you please stop by www.PostcardsInTheAttic.com and tweet, post, "like" whatever you can and have time for.
Thanks again and have a blessed day